This is the last {Y}our Stories: The Series story…… of 2018 that is!
Today I want to start with a quote that our storyteller refers to:
“If I stand tall, I’m standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before” ~African Proverb
Today, Kathleen shares from her heart her story on how one particular trip to West Africa with her mother reignited the fuel to connect to her long-ago ancestors with pride and her bond with her mother, her present family and her global community through the celebration of Kwanzaa. She has brought people from all backgrounds together on the last day of this 7 day celebration, sharing this joy with her community for over to 20 years.
Next week, December 26, is the first of seven days of Kwanzaa, an African American celebration of culture, community and family created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga and based on seven principles. In her storytelling, Kathleen describes how these principles are truly UNIVERSAL experiences that all of us could live by. These 7 principles are brought into focus each day:
DAY 1: Umoja- Unity
DAY 2: Kujichagulia- Self-Determination
Day 3: Ujima- Collective Work & Responsibility
Day 4: Ujamaa- Cooperative Economics
Day 5: Nia- Purpose
Day 6: Kuumba-Creativity
Day 7: Imani- Faith
I invite you to join Kathleen as she shares more in depth her story of ancestry, tradition, community, joy & the bond between mother and daughter by watching or listening below.
Click below to WATCH or LISTEN to Kathleen’s story.
(Length: 20:21)
If you want to share your {Y}our Story on the series, SIGN UP HERE or CONTACT ME with any questions.
Many of you might be thinking “I have no stories, or even interesting stories of my family” or “How can I even begin to learn more about my family’s history?”
I’ve got you covered, check out this free guide called {Y}our Connecting Conversations.