Happy New Year!
Can you believe it’s 2019?
I look and cultivate timelines and stories of ancestors from 1919. And I’m thinking to myself what will future generations of our families be saying about us in 100 years? How will we have possibly influenced the history of our own descendants and the world by 2119? We will be the actual history and the stories of the future generations. It’s kind of mind blowing and amazing if you ask me.
But I won’t ramble too much because today is the first story of {Y}our Stories: The Series of 2019! And it’s all about strong women in our lineages and families and how their being and stories have the potential to strengthen our own present day stories (if we allow ourselves to see it).
Jenn thought she was alone on an island of being the only strong-willed woman in her family, until she began to recognize that strength of the women who came before her, their stories and drew upon them for inspiration in her life and business.
In her storytelling, Jenn honors the strong women in her family, like her Great-Aunt Ethel, the ones who were ahead of their time, full of love, don’t necessarily care what people think but are considered to be “rough around the edges,” something many women who are deemed “too extra” can unfortunately be characterized even today.
It’s up to us as the younger generation to “prioritize the older generation’s voice” as Jenn shares in her story today.
If you’ve ever wondered how to find your own strength through your family or ancestors’ stories or if you even can, I invite you to listen or watch Jenn’s story below.
Click below to watch or listen to Jenn’s story.
(Length: 13:04)
If you want to share your {Y}our Story on the series, SIGN UP HERE or CONTACT ME with any questions.
Many of you might be thinking “I have no stories, or even interesting stories of my family” or “How can I even begin to learn more about my family’s history?”
I’ve got you covered, check out this free guide called {Y}our Connecting Conversations.