It may be another week, but I'm so excited to share one of your stories as always!
If you’re like me, at some point in your life, or perhaps even now, you may have felt some sort of disconnect from your cultural or ancestral roots, deeming it an unnecessary part of your life. I definitely felt that way for a long time. Part of it, can be due to intrinsic (often unconscious) shame, misunderstanding or even fear for dredging up the recent or distant past.
This week, Homeopath and medicine healer Asha shares her experience in reconnecting and healing the trauma with her Ojibway First Nation ancestral roots. She shares what was lost due to cultural genocide experienced just two generations before (her grandparents’ generation).
Even more, her husband, who is of Jewish ancestry, is the grandson of Holocaust survivors.
And so, Asha has become very aware of the intergenerational trauma that has been passed down from both sides of the family to her sons, and how this affected them.
Watch below as she shares her ancestral story, her own fears and her own healing as it relates to intergenerational ancestral trauma.
Click below to watch or listen to Asha’s story.
(Length: 12:50)
If you want to share your {Y}our Story on the series, SIGN UP HERE or CONTACT ME with any questions.
Many of you might be thinking “I have no stories, or even interesting stories of my family” or “How can I even begin to learn more about my family’s history?”
I’ve got you covered, check out this free guide called {Y}our Connecting Conversations.